

  ANAEMIA Hey all...  I shall take you through a very important topic tonight..  Anaemia/Anemia  It is the most common disorder globally and one of the conditions that general practitioners most frequently encounter. In the World Health Organization global database, anaemia is estimated to affect 1.6 billion people. As anaemia manifests in a wide range of conditions, it is important to embrace a structured diagnostic approach...  Below is the outline for the presentation... -Outline -Definition -Classification  -Effect -Pharmacology *DEFINITION* Anaemia is defined as a condition in which the number of red cells or their oxygen-carrying capacity is insufficient to meet physiological needs. ie _decrease the RBCs count or Hb content or both below the normal range for age and sex_     ➖According to the World Health Organization (WHO), anaemia is defined as ‘a condition in which the number of red blood cells or their oxygen-carrying capacity i

Vellore Status

    VELLORE STATUS     Well Our Vellore has a place where  people live in entrie Vellore City population as per 2011 Census is 39,36,331. In vellore so many up and down are there but still our vellore city stand and always ready to face every situation.. We  proud to be  VELLORIAN We proud to be  TAMILAN/ TAMIZHAN We proud to be  INDIAN We proud to be  HUMAN .  Current situations Now-a-day Our Vellore has been separated by there place by EPS Government Of Tamil Nadu because some development in our  vellore  . The Tamil Nadu State of  Vellore district is a very Longest and surface with balanced population.  The Vellore lies between 12° 15’ to 13° 15’ North latitudes and 78° 20’ to 79° 50’ East longitudes in Tamilnadu State. The geographical area of this district is 5920.18 sq. k.m.            In anicent priod of India country in Tamil Nadu state of Vellore  district   previlege of being the seat of the Pallava, Chola, Nayak, Maratha, Arcot Nawabs and Bijapu

Nr. Model Examination

Nr.  Model Examination  1.  Physical regulation of the body temperature by the loss of heat is Ans: Thermolysis 2.One of the best indicators of a nation’s health is Ans: infant mortality rate 3.    A safe method of open the airway of an unconscious patient with suspected spinal cord injury Ans: Jaw thrust method 4.The most common deficiency seen in alcoholics Ans: Thiamine 5.ICN adopted the code of ethics in the year Ans: 1973 6. Fear of height is Ans: acrophobia 7. Koplik’s spots are seen in Ans: rubeola 8. The anti tuberculosis drug that can damage the eighth cranial nerve Ans: streptomycin 9. An antiplatlet drug given to patient with myocardial infraction Ans: Aspirin 10. Insertion of a catheter into the renal pelvis by a percutaneous puncture is Ans: nephrostomy 11.Tab.Digoxin should not be given when patient has Ans: Bradycardia 12.  A disease that can arise form normal bacterial flora, especially after prolonged antibiotic therapy

Random Word Synonyms

Random Word Synonyms  Anarchy👉: absence of Government Anarchist: 👉A person who is out to destroy alll government and order. Autocracy: 👉Government by one Plutocracy: 👉Government by the rich Oligarchy:  👉Government by few Bureaucracy:👉 Government by officials Aristocracy: 👉Government by nobles Democracy:👉 Government by people Monarchy: 👉Government by king or queen Agnostic: 👉one who is not sure of the existence of God Atheist👉: One who is not believe in the existence of God Theist: 👉One who is believes in the existence of God Antiseptic: 👉a medicine which prevents infection by killing germs Adolescence:👉 state of growth between boyhood and youth Annihilate: 👉to destroy completely backdoor: 👉Influence exerted secretly Bourgeois:👉 a member of the middle class Credulous👉: a person who easily believes whatever is told to him. Censorious:👉 one who is always inclined to find faults Celibacy:👉 a state of remaining unmarried C

Differential Diagnosis Of Unconscious Client

. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF UNCONSCIOUS CLIENT *1. Swollen Gums & Tongue Bite - _Epilepsy._* *2. Wet Forehead & Severe Perspiration - _Hypoglycemia._* *3. Hot Forehead & High Fever - _Cerebral Malaria._* *4. High Fever & Neck Stiffness - _Pyogenic Meningitis._* *5. Fever & Neck Stiffness - _T.B. Meningitis, Sub Arachnoid Haemorrhage._* *6. Very Hot Forehead - _Heat Stroke._* *7. Yellow Eyes - _Jaundice (Hepatic Coma)._* *8. Red & Congested Eyes - _Alcoholic Coma._* *9. Unequal Pupils - _Cerebral Haemorrhage._* *10. Bilateral Pinpoint Pupils - _Pontine Haemorrhage._* *11. Dilated Pupils - _Dhatura Poisoning._* *12. Unequal Nasolabial Folds - _Paralysis._* *13. Blood in Nose and Ears - _Haemorrhage in Base of Brain._* *14. Blue Lips - _COPD Patient._* *15. Fruit Smell - _Diabetic Coma._* *16. Urine Smell - _Uremic Coma._* *17. Rotten Rat Smell - _Hepatic Coma._* *18. Perfume Smell - _S

Mental Health Nursing Terminology

MENTAL HEALTH NURSING  MENTAL HEALTH NURSING TERMINOLOGY OVERVIEW Mental Health Nursing is vast subject and its is a branch of science and evidence based practice to enhance psychiatric nursing otherwise known as Mental Health Nursing.  Addiction: Dependence on a chemical substance to the extent that a physiological and/or psychological need  is established. Withdrawal symptoms are manifested when the substance is removed. Symptoms may include  tolerance, withdrawal, and preoccupation with obtaining and using the substance. Narcotics, alcohol, and most sedative drugs may produce addiction. Addictive disorders are not diagnosed when withdrawal results from medication taken as prescribed. Affect: External expression of emotional responsiveness. Affect refers to fluctuating emotional changes, in  contrast to more sustained emotion (see Mood). Some types of affect are: within normal range, constricted, blunted, flat, inappropriate, or labile. Agoraphobia: A

Growth And Development Of Paediatrics

UNIT 2 CHILD HEALTH NURSING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT GROWTH : It refers to an increase in the size of physical structure of body. There is an increase in body cells, so it is a quantitative increase in size of body. COMPONENTS OF GROWTH : Height  ( measured in cm or inches) Weight  (measured in kg or pounds lb) Head circumference  ( measured in cm or inches) Dentition  process of teeth eruption( measured in number of teeth eruption) HEIGHT : Average height at birth is 50 cm (20 inches) Age Height in cm At birth 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 50 cm 75 cm 85 cm 95 cm 100 cm Height increases about 25 cm in 1st year of life. At third year height is about 3 feet (90 cm) At 4th year height is about 100 cm NOTE: Height increases after 3 years by 5 cm per year up to puberty, during puberty it increases by 9-10 cm per year for 2 to 3 years. WEIGHT : At birth an average weight is 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg Age Weight in pounds / lbs At birth 6 months 1 year 2 yea