Random Word Synonyms

Random Word Synonyms 

Anarchy👉: absence of Government

Anarchist: 👉A person who is out to destroy alll government and order.

Autocracy: 👉Government by one

Plutocracy: 👉Government by the rich

Oligarchy:  👉Government by few

Bureaucracy:👉 Government by officials

Aristocracy: 👉Government by nobles

Democracy:👉 Government by people

Monarchy: 👉Government by king or queen

Agnostic: 👉one who is not sure of the existence of God

Atheist👉: One who is not believe in the existence of God

Theist: 👉One who is believes in the existence of God

Antiseptic: 👉a medicine which prevents infection by killing germs
Adolescence:👉 state of growth between boyhood and youth

Annihilate: 👉to destroy completely

backdoor: 👉Influence exerted secretly

Bourgeois:👉 a member of the middle class

Credulous👉: a person who easily believes whatever is told to him.

Censorious:👉 one who is always inclined to find faults

Celibacy:👉 a state of remaining unmarried

Congenital: 👉Belonging to or pertaining to an individual from birth.

Delegate: 👉To give one's authority to another

Retrospection👉: the action of looking back on past time

Unanimous: 👉with one voice; a decision, opinion on which all are agreed

Indefatigable👉: one incapable of tired

Posthumous👉: A child born after the death of his father/ a book published after the death of its writer.

Effeminate: 👉a person who is too much like a woman

Honorary:👉 work for which no salary is paid

Sinecure:👉 an office with high salary but no work

Samaritan: 👉one who helps a stranger or a helpless person in difficulties

Omnipresent:👉 one who is present everywhere

Omniscient: 👉one who knows everything

Omnipotent👉: one who  is all powerful
Somnambulist: 👉one who walks in sleep

Optimist: 👉one who looks at bright side of things

Pessimist👉: one who looks at the dark side of things

Fastidious👉: one who is not easily pleased

Consecrate:👉 to make a thing sacred

Plagiarist👉: a writer who borrows words and ideas from another author

Misanthrope👉: hater of mankind

Philanthropist:👉 lover of mankind

Misogynist: 👉hater of women

Philology👉: science which treats of languages

Simultaneous: 👉happening at one and the same time

Homicide:👉 Murder or murderer of a man

Regicide: 👉Murder or murderer of a king

Matricide: 👉Murder or murderer of mother

Patricide: 👉Murder or murderer of father

Fratricide: 👉Murder or murderer of brother

Suicide👉: Murder or murderer of oneself

Materialistic:👉 a person for whom money or gain is the most important consideration

Panacea: 👉a remedy for all deseases

Executive👉: that part of the government which preserves law and order and carries out the laws made by the legislature

Egoist: 👉one who thinks only for oneself

Egotist:👉 one who always talks of oneself

Extempore: a speech delivered without any previous preparation

Diplomacy:👉 art practiced by statesman and ambassadors

Feminist:👉 one who thinks of the welfare of woman

Germicide:👉 a medicine that kills germs

Eccentric👉: a man of unusual habits

Obsolete: 👉a word or law no longer in use

Spokesperson:👉 one who speaks for others

Turncoat: 👉one who changes one's principles or party

cynic: 👉one who thinks that human nature is essentially evil

Glutton:👉 one who eats too much

Versatile👉: one who possesses several talents or gifts

Humanitarian: 👉one who serve public interest and feels very sympathetic toward human beings

Novice:👉 one who is new any business or profession

Soliloquy: 👉speech made to oneself when one is alone

Elucidate: 👉to explain something mysterious or difficult

Epidemic:👉 widespread disease affecting many people at the same time

Illicit:👉 a trade that is prohibited by law

Irritable: 👉one who is very easily made angry

Platitude: an ordinary and common place remark

Reticent: 👉a person very reserved in spech

Sacrilege: 👉act of violating the sanctity or destroying the property of church

Vacillate👉: to make up one's mind and change it quickly

vindicate👉; to establish the justice of a cause

veteran: 👉a person with a long experience of any occupation

Quintessence: 👉the purest and most essential part of thing

Avaricious👉: a man most inordinately desirous of money

Dubious: 👉a statement not likely to be true

Precedent: 👉a previous case which might serve as an example

Superstition👉: ignorant and irrational belief

Idiosyncrasy:👉 a peculiarity of temperament or constitution

Pseudonym:👉 a fictitious name used by an auther

Sojourn:👉 short stay at a place
Jurisdiction👉: The area cover which an official has contro

Teetotaler: 👉one who abstains from intoxicants

Applause: 👉great clapping and cheering

Metamorphosis:👉 change a form or character

Alimony:👉 allowance due to a wife from her husband after separation.


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