
Showing posts with the label Nursing Foundation

Vital Sign View On Temperature

  Temperature OVERVIEW Temperature is a normal physiology of the living organism include human organism and also mainly come under vital sign and include in  nursing procedure of the nursing nurses must to be know that nursing procedure protocol and guidelines. DEFINITION Elevated body temperature is called thermoregulation of the organisms and mostly called as fever. Fever is considered an significane of  body defense mechanism for destroying infectious microorganisms such as viral,bacterial etc. PURPOSE to regulate the vital organism of body to maintain the living organism to survive the lifestyle  to maintain external and internal environment to provide the thermia to human body to assess and monitor the body  PROCEDURE 1. Temperatures are taken as ordered by the physician, as instructed by the nurse and following facility policy. Elevated temperatures (greater than 99 orally or 100 rectally) are generally taken every 4 hours. 2. Recheck unusual high or low temperatures (or

Founder Of Modern Nursing And Mother Of Nurse

    Founder Of Modern Nursing    Nursing is not a person but personnel of the nurse so that Florence Nightingale is a Most Important Person and great heart to care the individual ,community and population. Florence Nightingale  12 May 1820 - 13 August 1910 Founder Of Modern Nursing Mother Of Nursing World First Graduates Nurse The Lady With The Lamp First Nurse Florence Nightingale, her nickname The Lady With The Lamp,  (Born May 12, 1820, Florence [Italy]—Died August 13, 1910, London, England),  British nurse, statistician, and social reformer who was the foundational philosopher of modern nursing. Nightingale was put in charge of nursing British and allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean War.  Who is the Worlds First Graduates Nurse?   Florence Nightingale is a most important person to evolve the Field Of Nursing by the by She is a Worlds First Graduates Nurse  Where was Florence Nightingale from? Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, on May 12, 1820, and was named

Common Dietary Pattern For Patient

COMMON DIETARY PATTERN Addison’s - ↑es Sodium ( Na ) ,  ↓es Potassium ( K ) Anemia, Pernicious - ↑es Vit B12 Anemia, Sickle Cell - ↑es Fluids ADHD and Bipolar - ↑es Calories ,  Finger Food Burns - ↑es Protein , ↑es Calories , ↑es Vit C Celiac Disease - Gluten Free (No Brown - barley , rye , oat , wheat) Cholecystitis - ↓es Fat Cirrhosis - ↑es Carbohydrates ,  ↓es Protein , ↓es Fat Constipation - ↑es Fiber COPD - ↓es Carbohydrates Cystic Fibrosis - ↑es Fluids Decubitus Ulcers - ↑es Protein , ↑es Vit C Diarrhea - ↓es Fiber Dumping Syndrome - ↑es Protein , ↑es Fat , ↓es Carbohydrates , ↓es Fluids Between Meals Gout - ↓es Purine Hepatitis - ↑es Carbohydrates , ↑es Protein , ↓es Fat Hypertension - ↓fat , ↓cholesterol (DASH Diet) Meniere’s Disease - ↓es ( Na ) Hyperthyroidism - ↑es Calories Hypothyroidism - ↓es Calories Hyperparathyroidism - ↑es Phosphorus ( P ) , ↓es Calcium ( Ca ) Hypoparathyroidism - ↑es Calcium ( Ca ) , ↓es Phosphorus ( P ) , ↑es Vit D Osteoporosis - ↑es Calc

Laboratory Values

LABORATORY VALUES  Bleeding time 1-9 min  Prothrombin time 10-13sec  Hematocrit Male 42-52% ; Female  36-48%  Hemoglobin Male      13.5-16 g/dl; Female  12-16 g/dl  Platelet 150,000- 400,000  RBC Male     4.5-6.2 million/L; Female 4.2-5.4 million/L Amylase 80-180 IU/L  Bilirubin(serum)  direct    0-0.4 mg/dl;  indirect 0.2-0.8 mg/dl;  total      0.3-1.0mg/dl  pH 7.35- 7.45  PaCo2 35-45  HCO3 22-26 mEq/L  Pa O2 80-100 mmg  SaO2 94-100%  Sodium 135- 145 mEq/L  Potassium 3.5- 5.0 mEq/L  Calcium 4.2- 5.5 mg/dL  Chloride 98-108 mEq/L  Magnesium 1.5-2.5 mg/dl  BUN 10-20 mg/dl  Creatinine 0.4- 1.2  CPK-MB Male     50 –325 mu/ml; Female 50-250 mu/ml  Fibrinogen 200-400 mg/dl  FBS 80-120 mg/dl  Glycosylated Hgb (HbA1c) - 4.0-7.0%  Uric Acid 2.5 –8 mg/dl  ESR Male  15-20 mm/hr; Female 20-30 mm/hr  Cholesterol 150- 200 mg/dl  Triglyceride 140-200 mg/dl  Lactic Dehydrogenase 100-225 mu/ml  Alkaline p


AUTOSPY ☆ Autospy also known as necropsies or post mortem examination. Derived from the Greek word "autopsia" meaning "to see with one's own eyes". It is a procedure wherein anatomic pathologists dissect corpses to determine the cause of death and to add to medical knowledge. The autopsy begins with a complete external examination. The weight and height of the body are recorded, and identifying marks such as scars and tattoos also are recorded. Postmortem Examination ☆Examination of body after death. ☆By law-when death is sudden or occurs within 48 hours of admission. ☆Organs and tissues are examined to establish the exact cause of death and to assist in the accumulation of statistical data. ☆The internal examination begins with the creation of a Y or U- shaped incision from both shoulders joining over the sternum and continuing down to the pubic bone. ☆The skin and underlying tissues are then separated to expose the rib cage and abd