
Showing posts with the label Pygopagus

Can Be Share Bladder In Case Of Pygopagus

                  PYGOPAGUS INTRODUCTION    Twin girls Ballenie and Bellanie Camacho, from the Dominican Republic, were born joined at the hip, known as pygopagus. Surgeons were able to separate them in a complex 22-hour procedure. What Is Pygopagus? Pygopagus is conjoined twins where the two bodies are joined at the sacrum but have separated limbs.  They can share bladders, parts of gastrointestinal tracts, and can be fused partly at the spinal cord. Only 17 percent of all conjoined twins are pygopagus.  Almost all pygopagus twins are female. Most male twins of this type are stillborn. The surgical mortality rate is lower than in most conjoined twins at 23 percent.  Pygopagus in IDENTICAL TWINS: Identical twins are formed when one single is egg is fertilized but splits into two embryos. Most conjoining occurs when the fertilized egg fails to separate completely. Pygopagus in FRATERNAL TWINS: Fraternal twins are formed when two separate eggs are fertilized a