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Nr. Model Examination

Nr.  Model Examination  1.  Physical regulation of the body temperature by the loss of heat is Ans: Thermolysis 2.One of the best indicators of a nation’s health is Ans: infant mortality rate 3.    A safe method of open the airway of an unconscious patient with suspected spinal cord injury Ans: Jaw thrust method 4.The most common deficiency seen in alcoholics Ans: Thiamine 5.ICN adopted the code of ethics in the year Ans: 1973 6. Fear of height is Ans: acrophobia 7. Koplik’s spots are seen in Ans: rubeola 8. The anti tuberculosis drug that can damage the eighth cranial nerve Ans: streptomycin 9. An antiplatlet drug given to patient with myocardial infraction Ans: Aspirin 10. Insertion of a catheter into the renal pelvis by a percutaneous puncture is Ans: nephrostomy 11.Tab.Digoxin should not be given when patient has Ans: Bradycardia 12.  A disease that can arise form normal bacterial flora, especially after prolonged antibiotic therapy