Essential Component In Blood


Cluster of ant like a group of components in blood HEMATOLOGY.

the blood contain so many substances that may be leads to make a usually or normal adjustment physiological functions may occur day to day life in our body thus function occurring in Human Creature.
           The blood components are too vast so consider as HEMATOLOGY. The Haematology or Hematological having a component so special considerations and normal level or value in the blood content.

                      Usually Nutrition is a vital role in Human and also blood. Nutrition is a wholesome material that may be or may not be raw material but normally food are made up of nutrition.

         Nutrition is define as the wholesome of a material that provides eenergy to the Orgnisms or Human. 
               (2017-TAMILNADU NURSING)

Exclusive Normal Value In Blood Components.

*calcium 9~11mg/dl*
*sodium 135~145mEq/l*
*copper 100~200mg/dl*
*iron 50~150micro g/dl*
*potassium 3•5~5mEq/l*
*magnesium 1•5~2mEq/l*
*chloride 100~110mEq/l*
*Bicarbonate 22~26mEq/l*
*total protein 7•3g/dl*
*serum albumin 4•7g/dl*
*serum globulin 2•3g/dl*
*fibrinogen 0•3g/dl*
*A/G ratio 2•1*
*Glucose 100~120 mg/dl*
*creatinine 0•5~1•5mg/dl*
*cholesterol 200mg/dl*
*plasma protein 6•4~8•3g/dl*
*bilirubin 0•5~1•5mg/dl*
*IgG 1000mg/dl*
*IgA 200mg/dl*
*IgM 120mg/dl*
*IgD 3mg/dl*
*IgE 0•05mg/dl*


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