Diagnostic Examination


1. AdomTest- Scoliosis

2. Allen test- ABG Analysis

3. Aldehyde test- Leprosy

4. Phosphate test- Pasteurization

5. Patch Test- AllergicReaction

6. Tourniquet Test- Dengue

7. Urea BreathTest- H.Pylori

8. Schick test- Diphtheria

9. Dick Test- Scarlet Fever

10. Rothers test- Acetone in Urine

11. Hey Test- Bile Salt in Urine

12. Smith test- Bile Pigment in Urine

13. Benedict Test- Glucose in urine

14. KveimTest- Sarcoidosis

15. Rinne & Webber test- Hearing

16. Direct Coomb test- Hemolytic Anemia

17. IschiaraTest- Color Vision test

18. Snellen Chart Test- Distance Vision

19. Confrontation Test- Central and Peripheral Vision

20. Jegar's type Card test- Near Vision

22. SchilingTest- Vitamin B12 Absorption

23. HistamineTest-Leprosy

24. RollerOverTest- Pre-Eclampsia

25. Fern Test or Nitrizine Test- leakage of Amniotic fluid

26. VDRLTest- Syphilis

27.VMA(VanellylMandelicAcid)- Pheochromocytoma

28. GlucoseToleranceTest-DiabetesMellitus

29. Glycosylated Hemoglobin/Hb1AC Test- DiabetesMellitus

30. WaterDeprivation Test- Diabetes Insipidus

31. Treadmill/StressTest-HeartFunction

32. TripleTest- DownSyndrome

33. D-DimerTest-measuring Clot formation(DVT,PE,DIC)

34. TrendelenburgTest- VericoseVein

35. Phallen/TinnelTest- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

36. Gold QuntiFeronTest- Tuberculosis

37. BangleTest- Protein Energy Malnutrition

38. TensilonTest- MyastheniaGravis

39. Romberg Test- Neurological Function/balance or gait

40. KneeKissTest- Meningitis in Children

41. Tzank Test- Herpes Genital or Vericella

42. FrieTest- Lymphogranuloma inguinale

43. WidalTest-Typhoid(on2ndweek)

44. Weilfelix test-Typhoidfever

45. BonnyTest/MarshallTest- Stress Incontinence

46. Binnet Test- IntelligenceQuotient

47. SweatChlorideTest- Cystic fibrosis

48. HangingDropTest- Cholera

49. Paul bunnel Test- EpstienBarrVirus

50. ShakeTest/BubbleTest- Surfactant and fetal Lungs maturity

51. RubinTest- Patency of FallopianTube

52. TapeTest- PinWorm

53. OrthoTolidinTest- Check Chlorine in Water

54. DexaScan- Bone Metabolic Disease(eg.Oste


55. Heel to Shin Test-Body Coordination Test

56. HaloTest- CSF Leakage

57. Dexamethasone Suppression Test- ACTH or Pituitary/Adrenal gland tumor

58. Arthrocentesis- Joint inflammation and Infection

59. Holter Monitoring- 24HourECG Monitoring in Dysrhythmia

60. PulmonaryFunctionTest- measure lung volume and Capacity (By-Spirometer)

61. SGOT&SGPT AST/ALT-LiverFunctionTest

62. PAP’sSmear- Cancer of cervix

63. Creatinine Clearance Test- estimation of GFR

64. Wood's Light Examination- Superficial Infection of Skin

65. Burrow Ink Test- Scabies/The Itch

66. BradenScale-to Measure integrity of Bed Sore

#CancerDiagnosticTest :-

■ CA15-3–BreastCancer

■ CA19-9– GIT (Pancreatic,LiverCancer)

■ CA125–OvarianCancer

#AIDSDiagnosticTest :-

■ ELISA Test- Screening for HIV

■ Western Blot Test- Confirmative Test for HIV

■ CD4Count- Predictor Of HIV (<200)

■ P24 Antigen Assay Test- Indicates Active HIV Replication or seen in Pregnancy & childrens


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