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Eligibility Criteria For ANM Village Maruthuvar

  Eligibility For ANM Axaillary Nurses Midwifery  for their hospitalized care of patient that much of roles necessary to regularly taken.ANM also health personnel patnership.It should be in physically or mentally ,socially and spiritually being a distributor of the hospital and also community set up. ANM is a essential role to play a health issue and distrubution. This kind of things recently revised from 2012-2013 Academic year  They have a rights to play in hoslital for only health related and they get off pay and special health welfare provided by government and it depends on their country. ANM also termed as village doctor called by their own village or their community area. Sometime few conflict happened on the community and the AMN Axiallary Nurses Midwives also assist for or conducting delivery or labour in that community and not been issue of health care personnel . They are mostly from the community and they know about infrasturcture of their individual or each and every commu

Right Of Medication Administration

What is Right of medication administration?  It's the legal and written document and officially announced that medication administration rights that meant legal law for drug administration . Ten Rights Of Medication Administration  Right Patient Always check patient’s identification bracelet. Ask patient to state their name and birth date. Compare medication order to identification bracelet and patient’s stated name and birth date. Verify patient’s allergies with chart and with patient. Right Medication Perform a triple check of the medication’s label When retrieving the medication. When preparing the medication. Before administering medication to patient. Always check the medication label with the physician’s orders. Never administer medication prepared by another person Never administer medication that is not labeled. Right Doses Check label for medication concentration. Compare prepared dose with medication order. Triple all medication calculations. Check all medication calculat

Vital Sign View On Temperature

  Temperature OVERVIEW Temperature is a normal physiology of the living organism include human organism and also mainly come under vital sign and include in  nursing procedure of the nursing nurses must to be know that nursing procedure protocol and guidelines. DEFINITION Elevated body temperature is called thermoregulation of the organisms and mostly called as fever. Fever is considered an significane of  body defense mechanism for destroying infectious microorganisms such as viral,bacterial etc. PURPOSE to regulate the vital organism of body to maintain the living organism to survive the lifestyle  to maintain external and internal environment to provide the thermia to human body to assess and monitor the body  PROCEDURE 1. Temperatures are taken as ordered by the physician, as instructed by the nurse and following facility policy. Elevated temperatures (greater than 99 orally or 100 rectally) are generally taken every 4 hours. 2. Recheck unusual high or low temperatures (or

Founder Of Modern Nursing And Mother Of Nurse

    Founder Of Modern Nursing    Nursing is not a person but personnel of the nurse so that Florence Nightingale is a Most Important Person and great heart to care the individual ,community and population. Florence Nightingale  12 May 1820 - 13 August 1910 Founder Of Modern Nursing Mother Of Nursing World First Graduates Nurse The Lady With The Lamp First Nurse Florence Nightingale, her nickname The Lady With The Lamp,  (Born May 12, 1820, Florence [Italy]—Died August 13, 1910, London, England),  British nurse, statistician, and social reformer who was the foundational philosopher of modern nursing. Nightingale was put in charge of nursing British and allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean War.  Who is the Worlds First Graduates Nurse?   Florence Nightingale is a most important person to evolve the Field Of Nursing by the by She is a Worlds First Graduates Nurse  Where was Florence Nightingale from? Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, on May 12, 1820, and was named

Is That Food Craving Habit Causes Electrolyte Deficiency

Carving is simple Individual person something desire that particular object or things needed that is craving.        Craving is the awesome habit in our human life but historical we preserve that is a disease or disorder of the specific individual or community. Now a days Research About Carving is more than 79 Statement in offline not considered but  an approval statement are mostly evidenced based practice  and so  People does not recognize their own Carving and their own hereditary  comes these habit.  🤑 *1. Sweets Cravings 🍢🍰-*   *_Vitamin B12 or Protein Deficiency._*    *Include Fresh Fruits, Veggies and Cinnamon.* 🤑 *2. Tea and Coffee Cravings ☕☕-*   *_Sulphur Deficiency._*    *Include Onion, Garlic and Cabbage in your diet.* 🤑 *3. Cheese Craving 🥞🍥-*   *_Essential Fatty Acids Deficiency._*    *Include Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Cheese, Eggs,  Omega 3-Flaxseed Oil, Peanut Oil, Chia Seeds and Walnut in your diet.* 🤑 *4. Pasta or Pastry Cravings 🍝🍜-*   *_Chromium Deficiency._

Can Be Share Bladder In Case Of Pygopagus

                  PYGOPAGUS INTRODUCTION    Twin girls Ballenie and Bellanie Camacho, from the Dominican Republic, were born joined at the hip, known as pygopagus. Surgeons were able to separate them in a complex 22-hour procedure. What Is Pygopagus? Pygopagus is conjoined twins where the two bodies are joined at the sacrum but have separated limbs.  They can share bladders, parts of gastrointestinal tracts, and can be fused partly at the spinal cord. Only 17 percent of all conjoined twins are pygopagus.  Almost all pygopagus twins are female. Most male twins of this type are stillborn. The surgical mortality rate is lower than in most conjoined twins at 23 percent.  Pygopagus in IDENTICAL TWINS: Identical twins are formed when one single is egg is fertilized but splits into two embryos. Most conjoining occurs when the fertilized egg fails to separate completely. Pygopagus in FRATERNAL TWINS: Fraternal twins are formed when two separate eggs are fertilized a

Novel Corona Virus 2019 & COVID19

NOVEL CORONA VIRUS 2019  TAMILNADU NURSING @nrtamilnadunursing  Don't Panic Please make a Prevention And Protection from disease.  NCOVID-19 -declared by WHO Already covid19 is like a SARS-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that meant by group symptoms effect on respiratory pathway to be blocked or barriers as a result  if no treatment leads to Death. It can be preventable through the hygienic technique like hand wash before and after activities, using facemask and maintain precautions like personal protective measures. *What is a  coronavirus?* Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans.  In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19. *What is COVID-19?* COVID-19 is