
Normal Range

NORMAL RANGE ArteriaL BlooD GaseS Partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2): 60-100 mmHg Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2): 22-26 mmHg Arterial blood pH: 7.35-7.45 Oxygen saturation (SaO2): 94-100 % Bicarbonate (HCO3): 22-28 mEq/L The oxygen value is lower with an altitude of > 3,000 feet. ************* ElectrolyteS Ammonia: 15-50 µmol/L Ceruloplasmin: 15-60 mg/dL Chloride: 95-108 mmol/L Copper: 70-150 µg/dL Creatinine: 0.8-1.3 mg/dL Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 8-21 mg/dL Ferritin:  12-300 ng/mL (men), 12-150 ng/mL (women) Glucose: 65-110 mg/dL Inorganic phosphorous: 1-1.5 mmol/L Ionized calcium: 1.03 1.23 mmol/L Magnesium: 1.5-2 mEq/L Phosphate: 0.8-1.5 mmol/L Potassium: 3.5-5 mmol/L Pyruvate: 300-900 µg/dL Sodium: 135-145 mmol/L T. Calcium: 2-2.6 mmol/L T. Iron-Binding Capacity: 45-85 µmol/L T. Serum Iron:  65-180 µg/dL (men), 30-170 µg/dL (wom

Common Dietary Pattern For Patient

COMMON DIETARY PATTERN Addison’s - ↑es Sodium ( Na ) ,  ↓es Potassium ( K ) Anemia, Pernicious - ↑es Vit B12 Anemia, Sickle Cell - ↑es Fluids ADHD and Bipolar - ↑es Calories ,  Finger Food Burns - ↑es Protein , ↑es Calories , ↑es Vit C Celiac Disease - Gluten Free (No Brown - barley , rye , oat , wheat) Cholecystitis - ↓es Fat Cirrhosis - ↑es Carbohydrates ,  ↓es Protein , ↓es Fat Constipation - ↑es Fiber COPD - ↓es Carbohydrates Cystic Fibrosis - ↑es Fluids Decubitus Ulcers - ↑es Protein , ↑es Vit C Diarrhea - ↓es Fiber Dumping Syndrome - ↑es Protein , ↑es Fat , ↓es Carbohydrates , ↓es Fluids Between Meals Gout - ↓es Purine Hepatitis - ↑es Carbohydrates , ↑es Protein , ↓es Fat Hypertension - ↓fat , ↓cholesterol (DASH Diet) Meniere’s Disease - ↓es ( Na ) Hyperthyroidism - ↑es Calories Hypothyroidism - ↓es Calories Hyperparathyroidism - ↑es Phosphorus ( P ) , ↓es Calcium ( Ca ) Hypoparathyroidism - ↑es Calcium ( Ca ) , ↓es Phosphorus ( P ) , ↑es Vit D Osteoporosis - ↑es Calc

Must To Learn About English Language Punctuation While Writting & Speaking Skills

Must To Learn About English Language Punctuation ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✅( , ) comma      ✅( . ) period, decimal point  ✅( ; ) semicolon ✅( : ) colon    ✅( ! ) exclamation mark / exclamation point    ✅( ? ) question mark    ✅( ' ) apostrophe, prime  ✅( " ) quotation mark ✅( ( ) ) parenthesis ✅( [ ] ) square bracket / bracket ✅( {} ) brace ✅( < ) less-than sign ✅( > ) greater-than sign  ✅( $ )  dollar sign ✅( / ) slash ✅( % ) percent  ✅( - ) dash / hyphen ✅( # ) number sign ✅( & ) ampersand  ✅( @ ) at sign ✅( * ) asterisk ✅( _ ) underscore

Laboratory Values

LABORATORY VALUES  Bleeding time 1-9 min  Prothrombin time 10-13sec  Hematocrit Male 42-52% ; Female  36-48%  Hemoglobin Male      13.5-16 g/dl; Female  12-16 g/dl  Platelet 150,000- 400,000  RBC Male     4.5-6.2 million/L; Female 4.2-5.4 million/L Amylase 80-180 IU/L  Bilirubin(serum)  direct    0-0.4 mg/dl;  indirect 0.2-0.8 mg/dl;  total      0.3-1.0mg/dl  pH 7.35- 7.45  PaCo2 35-45  HCO3 22-26 mEq/L  Pa O2 80-100 mmg  SaO2 94-100%  Sodium 135- 145 mEq/L  Potassium 3.5- 5.0 mEq/L  Calcium 4.2- 5.5 mg/dL  Chloride 98-108 mEq/L  Magnesium 1.5-2.5 mg/dl  BUN 10-20 mg/dl  Creatinine 0.4- 1.2  CPK-MB Male     50 –325 mu/ml; Female 50-250 mu/ml  Fibrinogen 200-400 mg/dl  FBS 80-120 mg/dl  Glycosylated Hgb (HbA1c) - 4.0-7.0%  Uric Acid 2.5 –8 mg/dl  ESR Male  15-20 mm/hr; Female 20-30 mm/hr  Cholesterol 150- 200 mg/dl  Triglyceride 140-200 mg/dl  Lactic Dehydrogenase 100-225 mu/ml  Alkaline p


AUTOSPY ☆ Autospy also known as necropsies or post mortem examination. Derived from the Greek word "autopsia" meaning "to see with one's own eyes". It is a procedure wherein anatomic pathologists dissect corpses to determine the cause of death and to add to medical knowledge. The autopsy begins with a complete external examination. The weight and height of the body are recorded, and identifying marks such as scars and tattoos also are recorded. Postmortem Examination ☆Examination of body after death. ☆By law-when death is sudden or occurs within 48 hours of admission. ☆Organs and tissues are examined to establish the exact cause of death and to assist in the accumulation of statistical data. ☆The internal examination begins with the creation of a Y or U- shaped incision from both shoulders joining over the sternum and continuing down to the pubic bone. ☆The skin and underlying tissues are then separated to expose the rib cage and abd

Human Body

TAMILNADU  NURSING HUMAN BODY 1: Number of Bones 206 2: Number of Muscles 639 3: Number of Kidneys 2 4: Number of Milk Teeth 20 5: Number of Ribs 24 (12 pair) 6: Number of Heart Chamber 4 7: Largest artery Aorta 8: Normal blood pressure 120/80mmHg 9: Ph of Blood 7.4 10: Number of vertebrae in the Spine 33 11: Number of vertebrae in the Neck 7 12: Number of Bones in Middle Ear 3 13: Number of Bones in Face 14 14: Number of Bones in Skull 22 15: Number of Bones in Chest 25 16: Number of Bones in Arms 6 17: Number of Muscles in Human Arm 72 18: Number of Pumps in Heart 2 19: Largest Organ Skin 20: Largest gland Liver 21: Biggest cell female Ovum 22: Smallest cell male Sperm 23: Smallest Bone Stapes 24: First transplanted Organ Heart 25: Average length of Small Intestine 7m 26: Average length of Large Intestine 1.5m 27: Average weight of new Born baby 2.6kg 28: Pulse rate in One Minute 72 times 29: Normal body temperature 37 C

MS Excel Shortcut Key

TAMILNADU NURSING MS Excel Shortcut Key Ctrl+A - Select All Ctrl+B - Bold Ctrl+C - Copy Ctrl+D - Fill Down Ctrl+F - Find Ctrl+G - Goto Ctrl+H - Replace Ctrl+I - Italic Ctrl+K - Insert Hyperlink Ctrl+N - New Workbook Ctrl+O - Open Ctrl+P - Print Ctrl+R - Fill Right Ctrl+S - Save Ctrl+U - Underline Ctrl+V - Paste Ctrl W - Close Ctrl+X - Cut Ctrl+Y - Repeat Ctrl+Z - Undo F1 - Help F2 - Edit F3 - Paste Name F4 - Repeat last action F4 - While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs F5 - Goto F6 - Next Pane F7 - Spell check F8 - Extend mode F9 - Recalculate all workbooks F10 - Activate Menubar F11 - New Chart F12 - Save As Ctrl+: - Insert Current Time Ctrl+; - Insert Current Date Ctrl+" - Copy Value from Cell Above Ctrl+’ - Copy Formula from Cell Above Shift - Hold down shift for additional functions in Excel’s menu Shift+F1 - What’s This? Shift+F2 - Edit cell comment Shift+F3 - Paste function into formula Shift+F4 - Fin